Sunny spring always comes along with...Mother's Day! This is the day of warm hugs, shiny smiles and cute presents. Also POMPIDOO Team in cooperation with friends and partners decided to make a special gift for all moms this May.
There are so many energetic adorable moms out there - they perform magics every single day: manage family and business, travel, run blogs, actively participate in social networks, engage with photography and endlessly love their children!
Many of them are POMPIDOO friends and clients, this is why the month of May is all about you: if you buy a POMPIDOO Cologne camera bag until May 31, don't forget to write the code MOMMY in the comments field and we will pack a nice unisex hat from our friends Mijen for your child.
Surprises are not over though! You will also get an exclusive Strollnetics guide from our long-term partner - Walkingmama.
18 pages of useful hints and recommendations how to get a perfect shape, workout in pictures and even a personalized consultation with Walkingmama via a specially developed questionnaire.
We wish you great presents and amazing shots this May!
the POMPIDOO, Mijen and Walkingmama Teams